So! Day 1!! Woke up at 2:45 AM, in my empty house, from sleeping on the floor in my sleeping bag. With all that was happening the day before, still hadn’t managed to pack up the bike. I was worried and decided at the hour to get to it…
Darn good thing I did!! It took every bit of that time to get it all together.. I had asked my property manager how much time I had in the morning the previous day.. he said they won’t pick up the keys until 9 AM, so probably to 9:30. Well at 8:00 AM, the moving van showed up… panic!!!
Really nice guy/tennant, and very understanding.. so I showed him around, and they left me to finish. I threw a pile of things into the shed I intended to bring.. they just didn’t fit.
Then I was off!~
Scary, nervous – the works!!
Made it across the city and started up the big road to Port Augusta. Very careful riding the bike with both fuel tanks full and my load… I kept it slow and easy, and luckily, there are double lanes long enough for me to get up to speed. Couldn’t wait to get to Port Wakefield for lunch.
First stop, and the bike nearly fell over when I got off. The kickstand is way wrong… (more on that later, as it limits me every stop I make including fuel stops)
Got my now favorite and standard toasted cheese and tomato sandwich.
Then on to Port Augusta. Went really well, got used to big trucks, even the road train that passed me, and how that wind was trying to pull me forward! Learned then and there, even though I was warned, you gotta stay AHEAD of those trucks!
Finally about 3:30, I pulled in to P.A., to my friend Tina Haigh’s house. It was so good to see a smiling face after that very long day.
She is has been my friend for many years, and hadn’t seen her or family for about 3 years I think?
Sophie and Willam home from school, off to feed the horses and watch sophie train hers with jumping.
I’m so exhausted ready to pass out, Tina offered to make Steak and veggies, but kids and I voted for macaroni and cheese with ketchup on top – ya! It was super duper delicious! I only lasted til about 8:30, and off I went to bed and passed out immediately.
More blogs updates coming.. but out of time, really need to hit the road again.. Should have more time in Perth to do a proper catch up.. see ya!
Sherri,If you are coming to Perth we would love to catch up. We are the Against the Grain Team that we see you saw our new and very poorly populated website. Your adventure sounds exciting and we are looking forward to ours.Jim Cairns