Pulled into Nundroo and totally understood the warning.. But! Beggars can’t be choosers when your goals are merely to get from one Roadhouse to the next!!
Because it looked a bit unsafe, I asked the lady for the price of a room..$90 !!! No way!! They are disgusting! You know, I bet half those rooms were finally filled up on that Thursday night. So, if they are making $90 a room, and I see the fancy cars the owners of the hotel drive, you’d think they’d invest at least a little in their business??… So I paid my $8 for a camp site.. She then came out to tell me she forgot to offer the backpackers room which might be safer, for an additional $2. I went and had a look, but it was musty smelly nasty. I didn’t even want my sleeping bag to touch those beds! So I stuck with my little tent, and very glad I did..I was the only camper for a while, and was quite concerned… until finally a lone camper came in to join me. Another really nice couple from Perth. I got a huge kick out of watching the 2 of them perfectly position their satellite tv dish!!
Listened to Road Train’s pass by all night long. It would seem to be so quiet out there. Yet off in the distance you hear the squeeling of what sounds to me like jett engines… Even as far off the road as I am camped, the earth below me vibrates as they violently pass by.
I quite often notice huge blood splatters on the road and no dead animals in site. Now I know why, those guys wouldn’t break for a roo, and when they plow through the poor thing, the kangaroo’s body must just explode and desintegrate!
Needless to say, didn’t sleep much…
Sounds like you are having problems with the side stand. Have you sorted that out yet? Keep up the great reports.