
Montenegro Part 4

I’m soooo fast.. ha! ;;-)

Another day in Montenegro, and we’re off and running again!  They all told me I have to ride this road before I leave.. it is a really really really fun road.  It’s the mountain road from Cetinje to Kotor.

Thank you to Blazo and Marija for all the photos… ! As for my part in photography, I don’t think I did this road justice.. It is much cooler and fun than any of the photos can portray, but this is pretty close.  I ended up pretty dissappointed in myself as there were 8,000 photos I feel I missed on this ride.. How to take that many pictures and enjoy the ride as well is very hard! But I do suggest you add it to your list of “Must Ride” Roads! 😉

Below is a view across the water where we stopped to fix Blazo’s bike when I first arrived.. I was looking directly here that day, now I’m looking straight back.. very cool!

Mountain serpentine road –

Finished going up, now we go down..

 On the serpentine..

This photo not just of the building.  If you can see the ruins running up the hill?  Blends in too well, might have to click to enlarge.  Geez, I’m glad it wasn’t my job to build it!  They are behind me here again in this photo as well as we look around town..

Here’s one with just castle walls only.. I couldn’t find much history about it, but I have renamed it myself “The Great Wall of Montenegro”.

Drink break..

What a great place to be!!!

Time to head back to Podgorica after yet ANOTHER great day in Montenegro.. ;-)))

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