It’s been more than 10 years since I have ridden a motorcycle. I had a Harley Davidson Sportster 883 in America. Completely different style of riding, low riding and lots of chrome..
This new KTM sits up really high. My first few little rides were nervewracking… went very slowwww. I don’t have all the proper gear yet, which may have contributed to my nerves… But then! I remembered I had my old Harley boots in my closet. I dug them out and put them on yesterday. Took the bike out and completely forgot what I was worried about! I went through round-abouts much more smoothly, up and down steep hills and made it to Peter Stevens KTM. I couldn’t tell you the difference between riding last week and then this week – SO IT MUST BE THE BOOTS! Confidence returned!! They must be magic…
Ordered a lowering link from America to bring the height down a bit. I am 5’9″ and I can only hold this bike on my tippiest of tippy toes! With the Koubalink lowering link, which Jamie installed for me yesterday at KTM, I can balance the bike with the balls of my feet now. A big, much needed, welcome difference.
So with MAGIC BOOTS and LOWERED BIKE, it was full steam ahead today (Sunday). Honestly I thought I would just run out the door for an hour or so as I have a bizillion projects to get done today. BUT, it is such a gorgeuos day in South Australia, and I felt so good on the bike, I just went for it.
6 hours later…. I made it home. Only complaint? Butt got a bit sore…
even with the amount of padding I have been graced with all my life.
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