
Tokyo Japan – I got my Bike!!

Just a quickie as I am exhausted from a very big day…

Might just upload the photos and let them tell the story..

I started off early this morning at Japan Automobile Federation to get my Carnet approved.

Then madly tried to locate Motorcycle Insurance.. no luck and long story I might add tomorrow.

Finally gave up in Tokyo city so I could get rental car back to airport, due at 1 pm… which is over 70 km away.

Arrived late (2 pm), many ordeals in between which I will elaborate on tomorrow, but finally around 4 pm, I was allowed to go and get my bike.

This is a lazy blog, I agree… but I am still sweating at 11 pm, could use a shower and a sleep.

Thanks again to Aaron and his team.. they did a brilliant job packing up the bike in a lovely Ducati crate and it survived the trip perfectly..  (I did have to reinstall my handlebars, lets hope they stay on!!  My mechanical skills are an absolute worry..!)

What did give me a laugh was with these Japanese boys, who knew literally minimal English – I showed them a dead bug on the front of my bike, and I said, “Australian Bug”,  they looked at me, and I pointed.. and they all pile in around this little tiny bug, and go ‘Ahhhh, Austreeln bug..’  ðŸ˜‰ too cute..

The Tuna fills the entire box!  He was a gorgeous fish, sorry to see him in his coffin… especially after having a tuna sandwich for lunch.. oops!   The tuna load just arrived from New Zealand.  Humph!  I was guessing Port Lincoln!  I must still have South Australia on my brain.. I missing it for sure!

9 pm and ready to roll!!

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