This makes me think it looks like we’re flying in on the space shuttle!!
Big apologies for an awfully behind blog.. lack of internet and being on the road have thrown me far behind.. as usual!
This fly over part of the blog doesn’t really count, because I didn’t go to Iceland or Greenland. Iceland was simply a stopover on my way from the UK to Canada.. but dag gone I wish I could stay!
I haven’t been this entranced in landscape for a long time, as many parts of Europe I was just traveling I had been to before.. this is a whole different world! Loved it so much from the air, I wanted to share some photos…
The first ones are flying into Iceland for layover.
The last ones flying over Greenland..
What an absolutely beautiful day it was..
Eventually arriving to Halifax airport in Nova Scotia. I was recommended to fly here instead of America as the fees and paper work for the bike would be much easier. Since I didn’t have an experience with New York, I assume they must be right!
My bike arrived Halifax around 4 pm, and I arrived around 7 pm on a different airplane.
I had spoken to a man named Paul from the Horizons Unlimited website a couple days prior and not knowing for sure when my bike would arrive OR be released from customs, I told him I’d give a call with information after I arrive.
To my surprise, he was waiting for me at the airport!
Customs and paperwork were a total breeze. So Paul suggested after my long flight not to uncrate the bike here. He’ll just put it in the pick-up truck and we can take it to the family farm and tackle that project in the morning.. sweet!
What a seriously nice man!! So lucky and so unexpected!! With neighbor friend and daughter in tow, we all rode back to his farm.
After a fairly good sleep and a bit of jet lag, I come out the next morning to see where the heck I am…! And there’s my bike in the box, waiting so patiently for me..
First things first..
There are these gorgeous little babies outside the house crying for Mom and some milk.. being a sucker for animals, especially crying babies, I volunteer to help feed.
And then get to my other crying baby….
It was a surprise to everyone to see what was in the box! 😉
And then they all start bringing out their toys, one by one!
We had a little ride around their neck of the woods, beautiful area..
They show me this most unique spot.. it’s called Bay of Fundy.. claiming to be the location of the highest tide in the world!
“The Natural World, Greatest Tides: The greatest tides in the world occur in the Bay of Fundy…. Burntcoat Head in the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia, has the greatest mean spring range with 14.5 metres (47.5 feet) and an extreme range of 16.3 metres (53.5 feet).” from Wikipedia info..
Now, thanks to the Blois family, I am off to a great start exploring parts of North America I have never been before.
But for now, the next goal for me is to get on the road and make my way to Indiana.. as much as I love my life and excited to explore, I am really looking forward to getting back to see my family and take a much needed break off the bike.
It’s a long ride across Canada.. and very hot one at that!
A quick stop in the Toronto area where a great guy there has offered to trade me front forks, via communication with Walter. After they worked so hard in Holland to lower my back end and sturdy it up, the front end was still a little tall creating a wobble on the road.
Stepaen has a different model to me, the 690e, mine is the 690r. His is naturally lower..he wants to be taller, I want to be shorter.. perfect!
Thanks again Stepaen!! My bike is low and smooth.. I am loving it so much I can hardly see straight.. this has been what I have been wishing for all along! To be able to sit on my bike with feet flat on the ground, and not only that, a little bend in my knee! It has totally changed how I ride.. with tons more confidence and I feel normal going into corners now.. A really big difference. Thanks again to Walter who suggested this and organized it through his posts on ADVrider. I’m one lucky chick!
A couple last photos of my time after camping at Lake Hudson, before heading through Michigan and on down to Indiana..
Camping here is gorgeous.. but costs $32.50… $32.50!! for a primitive campsite! This is more expensive than Europe, and I don’t get why! Other than this bit, it’s all just boring farm land.. no major castles or attractions.. has me dumbfounded, but obviously the people around here are happy to pay it, the campgrounds were full… I hate to admit, but I snuck in with a little help from the young camp gate employee (who agreed with my Europe argument) for free.. don’t tell anybody!! Hey.. you gotta do what you gotta do..
See ya!
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