Sort of uneventful blog today.. but those will happen from time to time.. so I will keep this one a bit short.
After studying my Lonely Planet book a bit, I left Busan for Gyeongju. Had a bit of a rough time getting there.. it was really hot, and not sure if it was the food, or adjusting to a new country, but sitting through the normal overcrowded city traffic for around 3 hours again, I nearly fainted a couple times.
Wearing my riding suit, plus gloves, plus helmet in humid heat combined with lots of truck and car fumes was doing me in.. I felt the tingling in my head and then I got cold and a bit dizzy. It was not the sort of traffic or roads (10 lanes total) that you can pull over quickly.. so I toughed it out and made sure no passing out in a new country!
It was a relief to find Gyeongju and I didn’t think much but to go to a hotel recommended in the LP book.
Once settled, and after not eating all day, I set out to find a meal…
This is what I found!
I can get some potatoes or a dress.. hmm, maybe go for the dress? Nah.. potatoes are better..
Or try some dead little dried fish..?
I went past restaurant after restaurant, and what really helps is they put a photo in the window of every meal they make.. Problem was, there was no way I was going to eat anything I saw in the photo..
I gave up and scuffled around the convenience store, I took home a cheapie.. Ramen noodles.
Made it in my room, and it was yuk as well… give up!
This is a small country and I have plenty of time to get to Sokcho, so I opt to stay another day to try to get used to where I am..
I decided the Museum I passed on the way in will help me get to know the country and the people – even the food.
I love this never ending question: What came first the chicken or the egg?
Another common phrase I hear in Australia all the time is: “bits and pieces”
I found the origin! (Note: bottom right hand corner)
That’s the bit and these are the pieces!
I saw lots of arrowheads and burial mounds.. so much in common with Native American Indian!
Okay I get it.. the Kings and Queens and Emperors… I’m glad I went to the Museum.
Now another attempt at finding a food.. this is starting to concern me!
I wandered around the city, and I found a McDonalds. Honestly! Nothing in there looked any good either, not that it normally does.. but they serve Shrimp Burgers!! Super yuk!
I got a kick out of their delivery mobiles though. Won/Juan/John from the ferry told me about this. McDonald’s doesn’t do so well in this country so to try to keep business up, they offer free delivery..
I finally got lucky… I found a Pizza Hut.. I know, I know, I am in South Korea, and should not be attennding such a place.. but I really just wanted vegetables.. a salad to be precise. And this pizza hut had a salad bar.. Perfect! I can eat!!
Plus, it was my birthday, and a fun meal of pizza and salad worked for me..!
On my way home I stopped into a bakery, and noticed they had birthday cakes.. If I could choose any cake in the shop, this is the one I would pick.
Instead of eating it, I took a photo of it… my body thanks me.. 😉
Make the most of the Pizza huts and salads while you can…Walter is renowned for his diet of noodles on the Magadan to Yakutsk roads and the Vilyutsk Tract !!