Taxco, and Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido, MEXICO

Ahhhh, the little charming city of Taxco outside the big city of Mexico.  I love it already!

It was only about 180 km to ride here from Mexico City, but as you can imagine, the traffic took forever to navigate out of the city. The traffic carried on until I was well away from the city.  So 180 km seems like it is just outside Mexico City for me.

I’m looking forward to one night here.  Not longer.. I am feeling very behind and wanting to make tracks now through Mexico.  But I would put Taxco up there as a worthy place to visit.

First job on the agenda is to find a place to sleep tonight!  I can then park the bike and explore…

I was excited to come here for the silver.  Once I investigated, silver USED to be mined here; however, the mines have since dried up.  It was a bummer to learn that most silver for sale in Taxco didn’t come from around here.  Kind of put me off even looking at it.  The town does have a rich history though.

The locals suggest I head up the hill and say G’day to Jesus. Quite a trade off! 😉

I went up the hill and the first thing I saw this little girl playing near the cops with big guns. Sort of made me smile.

But what really made me smile was meeting her.  A little ball of energy!  She just started talking and talking and TALKING to me in Spanish like she had known me forever.. too cute!!

Then she thought she’d share her used Yakult bottle with me.

Her brother Miguel came around and told me her name is Hiromi.  A Japanese name her mother loves.

What an awesome big brother!!

I enjoyed my time so much with these two, I totally forgot about Jesus.

Miguel took this photo.  And guess what!  I can wear my new t-shirt without worrying that somebody else doesn’t already have it on!!

It just doesn’t phase me that I’ve been hanging around these guys with the big guns.  They’ve been really nice and pointing out sites in the town below.  I’ve been around the big guns since I arrived Mexico and they have just become part of the norm.

A quick view to Taxco, and I am starving!  Need to get back down the hill for dinner.

Now this morning, I’ve got the tricky job of navigating my way to Oaxaca through the back roads.

Hasta luego Taxco!

Yes!!! I’m in the country again.. no smog, freedom from traffic….  Hallelujah!!!!!

And an opportunity for more street food in some little town along the way.  So good!

I mustn’t have been much in the mood for photos this day.  I didn’t get the camera out again until I was well into Oaxaca and trying to find my way.  This was another large town with absolutely mental traffic and one way streets.  I wanted to find a particular hostel because another KTM rider told me it was good and he’s there at the moment.  Been on my own for one whole night since leaving the boys and my friends in Mexico City.  Now I’m more than happy to meet people again!!

These men started off telling me to move away from their 5 star hotel front door.  After I told them I just needed to stop for a minute to read the corner streets signs.  I explained I was lost and wondered if they knew where the 1 star Hostel was, they didn’t.  However, they pulled in everybody they could ask to help me figure it out.  Once they felt confident of the location, they not only called the people for me, but drew a very detailed map.  How nice are these men!!  They were not going to let me go until they felt I totally understood.

I found the place with no troubles after that, and I found a lovely large KTM!!

I met the KTM rider, Anders straight away in the hostel.  He was on the way out the door for the night to meet another guy, and invited me to come along once I settled in.

Nick on the left is from Canada on a Kawasaki KLR, Anders is from Denmark on KTM 990. And plenty of Mexican beer.  Super fun night out in Oaxaca!!!  Thanks for the photo Nick!!!

The next morning I quickly followed Anders advice to check out the ruins around Oaxaca, Monte Alban.  Thought to be one of the oldest cities in Mesoamerica.

I’d love to check them out thoroughly, but it became really clear that I didn’t want to be away from the bike and all my gear that long.  I was hounded by locals to buy stuff from the moment I arrived.  If I had wanted to hang around Oaxaca longer, I would have left my gear and/or the bike locked up in town in the garage.

Views from Monte Alban, the white mountain, ab...
Views from Monte Alban, the white mountain, above Oaxaca (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This isn’t going to work today.  Besides,  I’m really happy with the ruins I have just visited at Tula, Teotihuacan and Mexico City.  So I gave in to my worries for the bike and got on the road to Puerto Escondido.

Watch out for missing roads!!

Absolutely gorgeous ride through the mountains toward the west coast.  

After a long and twisty ride,  I made it to the lovely Puerto Escondido!  This is a nice change of pace!!

The bike is parked for the night.  Nick made his way here today as well and we meet up for dinner, swapping plenty of bike stories.

Not really interested in hanging around though.  I am more interested to continue south and see where the road takes me tomorrow.  Buenos Noches!!

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