Body Repair Shop

Went to the Knee Repair Shop yesterday… had surgery on my left knee to repair a torn medial miniscus..!

I suppose I better get used to repair shops!  Hopefully only for my motorcycle from here on in… As my Dad says, old age is a bitch! Well I’m not old, but I felt like it when I was hobbling around with wobbly knee!  But thanks to the good Doctor Cundy in North Adelaide, I should be all fixed up shortly.  He knows of my plans to get on the road soon, so he got me into the theatre in only a week!

In April last year I did a 21km run..without stopping!!  That was a miracle and a surprise in my book!! Then my own theory is that I weakened it from the run and then properly damaged the knee last May in the gym doing sprints.  I have basically been toughing it out since then. Sort of hoping it would heal itself.  Not the case..since an x-ray and MRI showed the miniscus to be torn both vertically and horizontally, I now understand it would have never repaired itself without the ‘tidy up’ at the repair shop.

I do have to say that I dig anesthesia!!!  That is good stuff!!

And I feel better knowing that I took care of this before I leave on the bike.  I would hate for it to have gotten worse in the forest of Russia and difficult to explain the problem in a local village doctor surgery… or even scarier, not have been able to run from a BEAR when I pull over for a pit stop!

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