
Earthquakes and Thunderstorms!

Been an interesting couple of nights here in the Cove!  First night, awoke to a deep rumbling sound, my windows rattling like crazy and sounded like the rear veranda roof and frame was having a time of it.  I remember lying in bed and thinking that was a strange sound, wonder what it is?  Still very groggy, I paid more attention to the sound of the windows trying to shake free from the frame, and I thought, “Hmm!  must be an earthquake!!”  Not like such a thing would get me to jump out of bed.. Noooo!  Maybe get myself to tuck UNDER the bed for protection like we were taught at school?  Nooo!  Then the rumbling stopped, and I was like, “Yep, that was an earthquake…” and went right back to sleep.  Turned out to be a 4.0, no damage.. of coarse I knew that, so why get out of bed, hey..

Last night…. woke again to a deep rumbling sound.  This time it was thunder though.  The picture here is the view from my bedroom window, so when an electrical storm comes in, it’s beautiful to watch.  I tried so hard to keep my eyes open!  Not just the odd strike, it was electric all over the place.. Keep your eyes open Sherri Jo!!  Zone back out.  Then a boom, keep your eyes open and watch!  Zone back out.. Aww, forget it…..

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