2010 07 3006 55 45

Kolyma Highway Russia – Moving on from the Gulag

Yay! I survived the Gulag road!

Now that it’s over, it was actually quite an experience that I am glad I didn’t miss.

I certainly learned a lot!  About motorcycle riding in all sorts of ways, as well as the interesting history of the Gulag. Not many people know about them at all and particularly where they are, because they are such a dark and secretive part of Russian history.

So back onto the main road we are!  And back to traffic! I don’t mind the trucks much, the dust is blinding for only a second and then I can fairly see again.

Miles and miles, kilometers after kilometers… not too bad today though.. !  How can one complain, when it is so beautiful here!
It’s getting a bit dark, so it must be getting late..  Sun doesn’t actually go down here, but there is a “darker” time..
There is a sign of civilization!  A Bridge!  (Kolyma Bridge)..  Hopefully this is where we stop for the night??
Niyet.. but it was worth a try!

Keep going Sherri Jo.. Walter has a goal, and we must meet it.

It gets to that time of night.. I ride slower and slower.  It has been such a huge day – again!!  But that’s what I signed up for!!

Come on, Sherri Jo… pick up that pace a bit..  I’m so slow that Walter has motored far enough ahead and had time to climb a dag gone hill to take photos… (and probably had time for a meal before I come putzing past!)

Another 70-80 km to Yagodnoye…where we do get to stop – whew!!  Walter tracks down a shonky hotel, which I am MOST grateful for!!!  Dusty dirty and exhausted, well past midnight…we lock the bikes up and drag the bags in.

Can’t really touch anything until I have a shower..
And then I pass out on the bed – ahhh!

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