
Viluisky Trakt – Suntar to Mirny Russia

Another beautiful day on the Viluisky Trakt in Siberia! Another day, another challenge…

Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE MUD??
I had to wait for the car to be pulled out by the Wazik before I could go past. Those Waziks can do anything and go anywhere.. I’m not sure why anybody around here would own anything but a Wazik. They can even kit them out with wood burning stoves in case you don’t get home in time during winter.
No worries Mate! What a shock, I did not fall.
Another ferry!! And such a beautiful day…
The roads were really good once we got to the other side.. I was going well and loving the forest and trying to take in what’s around me. If the road is good enough I can actually take my eyes off the dirt in little spirts to have a quick look at what I am passing.
That little black speck on the road down there is me! Walter went far out of his way for this shot, and I love it!! Thanks Walter! Great perspective!!
Getting close to Mirny now!
One last water crossing… Walter remembers this one from last year, and tells me a car tried it on their own rather than taking the truck, but they got washed downstream..
We’re next! One of those moments in time that happened far too quick and I didn’t get to take photos like I wanted..
But Walter got a guy on the truck to quickly snap us, anyway. It was hard work to hold that bike up while the truck was rockin and rollin’, I had to ask this other guy to help me..
But this our last water crossing to Mirny which is only 25 km away..
We are going to make it in time for the motor-cross event.. don’t worry!
Just as we are starting to hit pavement in town (hallelujah), a blue Subaru Impreza pulls us right over.. there was no question, we must stop now. I was a bit concerned, but also just figuring these wealthy guys just want to check out the bikes..
Another long conversation with Walter.. and it turns out, yet again, we are to follow this man home.. Okey dokey!
The car drivers name is Igor, and it turns out he knew we might arrive Mirny today through 2 different people. We don’t know him, but he sure knows about us! Amazing really how information travels ahead of us even in the Siberian forest.. Anway, he is a keen motorcycle guy, and turned out to be a helluva guy at that..
He must have ordered Shaslik (barbequed meat dish) in the car, as when we arrived his shop, he tells us to unpack so we can get home for the meal delivery.
Walter has another idea first though, he is itching to powerwash the bikes first! We have several repairs to do while here for a couple days, and it will be easier once we get that mud off!
A powerwash machine is a man thing.. I didn’t even get the chance to have a go.. he did my bike too! I learned a long time ago NEVER get between a man and his powerwasher!
Don’t they look good!
Back home to Igor’s.. he lives right in town and with his few English words take us into the living room and says, “Sherri… Sit….Down..” Yes sir!! This turned out to be a common thing for him to say.. If I got in his car, or sat at his desk in his office.. always “Sherri.. Sit.. Down.” In a strained–Russian-trying-to–speak-English sort of way. We had our meal, and he gave up his home for us completely and opted to go and stay with his “playgirl” as he puts it. 😉
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