I was thinking that I’ve never been in the paper before.. But I just remembered there was a time, a loooong time ago.
I was in the 4H Club, where you join community groups of interest, and if you progress, you get to advance to the State Fair, much like your Royal Show. I was in 6th Grade, and my interest was Dog Training. I had a Bassett Hound called Sargeant Pepper, and we won! So I’ve just remembered they had our photo in the paper!
Many years later… it’s a photo of Sherri Jo and her bike. I do hope that I win again… maybe not a trophy this time, it will be a win for me just to accomplish this goal… Look forward to it!!
Here is the link to the Saturday Paper article
Hi Sherri Jo (SJ??),I saw your article in yesterday's Advertiser and immediately thought of one of my cousins who has recently completed a 6month+ bike tour of Europe, Africa, SE Asia etc and thought I'd put you in contact. My cousin's name is Steve Anderson and I'm sure he'd love to give you a few tips on prep for your big trek. His website is http://www.east-to-west.org . All the best for your journey, I'll follow with interest as you make your way around the world. Regards,Andrew (stonham2@bigpond.net.au)
Hi Sherri Jo,Talk about an inspiration! I read about your upcoming adventure and it took me back to my youth when I used to ride trail bikes around the mountain ranges of Canberra and we would 'lose' ourselves for hours in a world ofexhiliration and breath-taking scenery, not knowing what was going to greet us around the next corner.I think your trip will inspire many people to add some more adventure to their lives – to take some risks to experience the feelings of freedom that maybe they once had. It can happen if you put your mind to it and take action. Sometimes it just takes the actions of others like yourself to re-awaken us to that spirit of adventure that we had in our youth but somehow lost. All the best in tackling the challenges you will face along the way. I look forward to hearing about the discoveries you make about yourself and the world!