
Give me a Break! Ruta 40 Argentina!

There is a first for everything on my world motorcycle journey and this is SO bad it’s funny, well it wasn’t funny at the time, but now it’s funny. You can see by the tree on the far right in the picture below that we are still battling strong winds.  But when I see that funky cloud up ahead, I have a gut feeling it’s about to get even worse...

North Argentina riding South to Bariloche

Fast forward 1650 kilometers.. Riding from northern Argentina down is simply flat boring farmland, a very long ride and super super hot!  No photos, no need to stop, we are making tracks because the sooner we get south, the sooner we will be in some cooler air. We came down past Cordoba, Rio Cuarto, and west to San Luis.  The next town is Mendoza, which is a popular...

Paraguay and Northern Argentina

Here we are back at the border from Brazil to Paraguay.  Yesterday was busy but today is even worse.  It’s Saturday and we’ve just now learned that nearly every Brazilian crosses the border today to do their shopping in Paraguay because it’s cheaper.  And I mean everybody!!  We couldn’t believe the crowds.  I asked the border agent if there...

Big Bike Breakdown – Brazil

Well I only got about 100 km out of Rio de Janeiro when the bike broke down.. this is a big one too.  I didn’t like how it felt while riding away from Rio but we were only going slow along the coast.  Then when we went up to speed, it felt really bad and I just pulled over to the side of the road and stopped.  James came back and asked what’s wrong and I...

On the road to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

Having some bike trouble on the side of the road here.  It just dies..  it happened last night for the first time, not sure why.. but James is carrying the jump wires and forcing it to start.  It will start, but it’s always a surprise from here on if it will start after the next fuel or lunch break.. sometimes yes, sometimes no.. ;-((( James is really good to...

Riding the Brazilian Coast – Recife and Maceio

Continuing south along the Brazilian coast, it’s a part of the world I’m finding to be unique.  It’s comfortable in a touristy vacation beachy sort of way, yet it’s not full with overseas tourists, only locals. It’s still super super hot and usually after a couple hours or so, we’d want to stop in a shady spot.  I was looking...


Brazil Coast – Belem to Sao Luis

Sorry for the very long delay since my last blog post.  Life has been in the way.. changing countries, changing continents!! Backtracking again to Brazil, this is a post starting from Belem where we disembarked from our 4 day journey on the Amazon River.  We met another Brazilian rider on our Amazon boat who will ride with us for a bit and we are now traveling south...

Manaus to Belem – cruising the Amazon River

Welcome to the heart of the Amazon, Manaus! The largest city in northern Brazil with around 1.85 million people.  It was hard work getting here on a motorcycle, I can tell ya!  So we plan to take a break for a couple days. The largest reason Manaus is here is due to the all important rubber industry. A view of days gone by and wealth that used to be prominent in this...

Riding the Amazon BR 319 – Part 2

Good morning from the Amazon!  My favorite part of the day. Sleeping amongst the amazing sounds of the jungle and waking up to even more unique bird songs me happy.  I know there is another tough day ahead, but for now, just enjoying what I see, hear and smell. Good thing I took a moment to be happy because within moments of being on the road today, we come to this...