Biker party

Back to Croatia, Doug Wothke and Umag Biker Party!

First, a few more bullet holes.. The last day with Josip, we finish riding through north Bosnia before crossing the border to Croatia.. but not without witnessing a few last abandoned and destroyed villages.  So few people have moved back since the war.  I haven’t seen any other country like this on my trip so far.  And it would be such a...


Vladivostok Russia – Rock and Roll !!

As you know I am loving Vladivostok… but after 10 days in one town, I have very itchy feet and certainly VERY ready to roll!  Probably should not mention the rock part.. as I will be seeing my fair share of rocky roads for the next few weeks. However, there was some serious Rockin’ and Rollin’ happening at the Iron Angels 3rd Birthday Party...