

Tuscany in January.. friends, food, and culture!

I was honored to have good friends whom I’ve met earlier on this journey travel all the way from Estonia to visit Italia, and me..! Maris and Anneli.  Our main goal together was an Italian culinary extravaganza!!  Food, wine, cheese.. what else!  And I think I can vouch for all of us, mission was a complete success. But first a look around to...


Finland to Berlin Germany!

Onward and upward from Estonia to Finland! From here I must take a ferry. I started to think that this motorcycle trip around the world includes so many ferry rides.. seems like I am cheating! But then I remembered that the earth’s surface is 75% water.. and I’m on a motorcycle, what do you expect Sherri Jo??? Just be glad I don’t have to put on...



Red sky in morning, bikers take warning… Little bits of snow starting falling from the sky in St. Petersburg, Russia. It is such a massive city, so best option was to get on the highway around it and start heading west from the other side. Not long after, it turned into big rain and lasted the rest of the day. I knew this was coming, I saw the forecast, but as...