Exotic Feline Rescue Center


Welcome to Indiana!!

Who’da thought many years ago when I moved from Indiana to South Australia, that I would actually ride all the way back on a motorcycle!!??  I sure didn’t!!! Wasn’t even a blip on my radar..  Now that I have, it will probably be something I will remember in to my old age… ha! The last few months have been go go go..  so much...


Exotic Feline Rescue Center Rescue Ride

I just happened to be in Indiana in time for the 4th annual Exotic Feline Rescue Center Rescue Ride. After their Facebook reminder (which I had seen before but didn’t respond to while traveling through Russia) came up again, and I quickly asked if I can be involved! What an opportunity to combine two of my favorite things! Directors Joe Taft and Jean Herrbert...


Speaking of….

Speaking of Marie’s painting, she painted the above photo for me.  While volunteering for the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Indiana, I had the huge pleasure of helping to raise 3 babies, Herman, Sumara and Joey.  I wanted the painting to give to my Dad for Christmas.  Sumara is sucking  on my finger. Herman, being the only boy, just wanted...