

One of the hardest parts about this trip is leaving my boy Luke behind.

Luke has been with me since 1999.  We got him in Queensland, merely to be a guard dog for the boat we sailed through the Pacific Islands.  But the moment I met Luke, I knew he was meant to be in our lives as more than a guard dog.

After the trip through the islands finished, it was heart-wrenching to put him in a box and send him on a plane from the Solomon Islands, back to Sydney.. where he had to stay in quarantine for a month.

Since then, he’s been an Adelaide boy.  Moved many houses, lived on the farm, in the city, on the beach.. my little guardian angel.

He is a very emotional boy, always keeping an eye on me, and always knows when I am planning to go away.  Since he grew up traveling with us, he gets so depressed if he can’t hop in the car.

So with this big trip, he totally knows what is going on.  He won’t leave my feet for anything.  When I was just trying on my new Rukka gear, I tossed my blue t-shirt on the floor, and I guess if he lays on top of it, he thinks I won’t go?  Ohhh dear, the guilt!!  He knows how to work it!!

Thank goodness we live at the beach.. no question it makes him a very happy boy!  So he gets a good dose of this every morning..

We had a plan for him to stay with friends in Queensland while I was away.  Due to some personal issues they are experiencing, it’s turned out best not to send him up there.. So now on a mad search of finding a great place for him to hang for a few months.. with only a month to go, I pray I get this sorted very soon!

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