Views from the road..
Not sure what the horse and buggy are delivering, but it looks a bit like those salt blocks you put in the fields for livestock? I would bet my guess is way off though..
I went through several villages like this and just loved them.. They don’t look like much at first, but the people are so kind and friendly and really lets you feel like a step back in time. Have to admit I was really really stared at as I rode through….(more than normal, or I was just a bit conscientious that day)..
First stop for the night is in a town called Bran and the location of the famous “Dracula Castle”. (This is not the original Dracula castle, but became famous as being the one that inspired Bram Stoker and his novel “Dracula”) The original castle of Vled Tepes the impaler (the real Dracula whom was nicknamed after Dragon or The Devil) is a pile of rubble in another location you can visit via a metal staircase, which quite honestly didn’t inspire me enough to go see in the very short 4 days I have in Romania. I was told he was simply a grumpy man who’s weapon of choice was the kebab stick after having a meal with his intended victim.. ha! Beware at your next bar-b-que!!
Anyway, I see I have digressed as usual! Back to Bran Castle!
This castle caught my eye soon enough, and even though I wasn’t real keen on the touristy side of this attraction, I could tell the closer I got that it would be fun to have a look inside.
I don’t want to bore you with details of this castle, but I want to include them here because I just loved it.. I don’t look at it as a scary castle, it more looks like a wonderful and comfortable home! I could picture myself living here easy! Okay, a bit extravogant, but I can dream, can’t I?? Honestly, most castles seem so stoney and cold, and I get bored easily. But this one was so fun, full of squirrelly staircases, secret passages, and warm little nooks. When can I move in??
The only problem I see here is that I’d be hitting my head a fair bit with these short doors.. It’s funny, even though Vlad Tepes didn’t live here and suck peoples blood, I now imagine him from this era as a short little evil vampire than the tall man with fangs in a black cape. Just a visual that came to me 😉
Warming nook with another little fireplace..
Several curling staircases throughout the home..oops, I mean castle..
Which is your weapon of choice?? A reminder that I’m walking through a historical place..
After I finished my wander around the castle, I stopped to buy some cheese from the locals..
I have very much learned to taste the cheese first.. as I definitely don’t like cheese from sheep or goat.. must be cow! Quite often have to make the “baaa” or “mooo” sound to clarify this! 😉
Trip look's good great pictures Sherry keep it up.
I thought for sure you'd post a shot of you in fangs!
"baaa" or "mooo", that made me laugh, I can just picture you gesturing and making the sounds :-)Of course they are going to stare at you, a beautiful young lady on a dirt bike "alone" in this part of the world doesn't seem right ;-)Great pictures, but no fangs?