Tag - Cusco

To Bolivia, mysterious Tiwanaku and Back again

KTM’s on the loose!  Petar and I have two different objectives.  He wants to continue his South American adventure by traveling through Bolivia.  I don’t want to go back to Bolivia for anything, however it was the shortest distance for me to travel to renew my Peruvian visa.  Petar worked long and hard to convince me to travel with him to Bolivia, I can...

Cusco, Moray and Chinchero Peru

I really needed to find a place to stay in Cusco where I could have my motorcycle with me.  Too many sleepless nights in the other place worrying about whether my bike survived another night 2 blocks away.  So after scouring the entire town, I found a place where the owner (who hit and damaged my bike pannier.. and then fixed it no worries) was so kind to give me a...