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Day 6 – Balledonia to Esperance = 391 km

More rain.. and newly added wind!  Each day is adding a little more and more challenge.

Interesting how on the bike I really notice all the road surface changes.  Each time they do a patch of road, the mix is different and you get bitumen that is fine and smooth and then onto a patch with big fat rocks (my bike doesn’t like these ones so well)

Of coarse a natural arch in the road for rain run off.  I think because of the skinny tires, and the weight on my bike, it is often quite a struggle not to let the road “drag” me off into the gutter.  Depending on what section of road I am on, this can be a big struggle for quite a distance.

At my next desperate toilet break, thought I might check tire pressure… seems they are going well, given the work out I am giving those poor tires!

Wish I could say the same for that dag gone side stand!

Not good when I can not put the stand down and I really NEED to get that stand down.. like now!

Started off trying to park by the toilet, the surface looks totally fine in this photo, but the slightest angle won’t let me park the bike!  I eventually work it out at most stops.. or like yesterday I went to 3 different public toilets that were all located on a slight hill, and I could not park the bike at any of them – bugger!

Anyway, when I was at this stop pictured here, I watched a big 3 trailer road train passing by, and next to him was a man on a Harley screaming past the road train!~  He was so loud and fast my jaw dropped at the sight of it!  I thought, deary me, if anyone ends up as road kill, it would be him!

Very pretty around here, until I get to Norseman.. which is officially the end of the Nullabor crossing, and here we make a decision to turn south to explore the south coast of West Australia, or head straight to Perth.  I chose south of coarse!

I pulled in for fuel at Norseman, and after trying to get my side stand down at 2 different pumps, the Harley man that passed earlier was sitting there watching me struggle and having a chuckle I think.

He was VERY TALL, and beard down to his belly, with a big dark “Dryazabone” long coat on, black sunglasses on and his Harley was all black as well.

“What’s the problem love?”  I told him, he came over to hold the bike from tipping over so I could get the stand down.  Wowee!  The smell of alcohol was intense!  Please don’t light a cigarettte!

He and the boys had gone for a camp at Fraser’s Range the night before, got pissed and were heading home.. but he got bored waiting on the others, which is why he went past the Roadtrain like a bulllet, and was waiting on the curb.

Then the whole gang pulled in.  A real Outlaw gang.. They surrounded me and the bike.. “What’s that your riding love?”  A KTM..  “Oh yeah”  They all look at each other and laugh..

I was ready to get on to Esperance.  I headed south and the change in direction was throwing me a bit with a southwesterly.  And the landscape was really boring and dull… I wasn’t enjoying my first taste of West Australia much..

Was happy to pull into Esperance, went straight to the Seafront caravan park I punched in to my gps.  Checked in and set up camp…

Just in time to enjoy a sunset on the ocean…

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