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Day 7 – Esperance to Bremer Bay = 398 km

One thing I love about camping, is I am constantly meeting really nice people!  As soon as a turn the engine off, somebody comes over to talk to me, and usually with good advice of where they have been and what I should see..

Here I met a wonderful couple from Germany, Heinrich and Dorothea..  They are traveling around Australia for 6 months.  When I was setting up my tent the night before, Heinrich immiediately offered his hammer for me to get my stakes in the ground.. (probably shouldn’t admit this, but I have been using my riding boots.. hey!  they have reinforced thick heels, and plenty strong enough!~ But it looks weird I am sure)

We talked a little about Germany, as that is were my family comes from many generations before.  They so kindly offered me a place to stay once I reach Germany a few months from now.  How nice!!  Here we are putting contact details into my iphone.  Heinrich is the photographer and sent me over these photos.. thank you!!

Anyway, it’s Windy again!  Have to admit I considered not riding in the wind today.  Was also really wanting to stop somewhere to enjoy for more than a night.. But, I looked at my map and my goal to get the bike to Perth in time to have work done before I board a plane for overseas, and thought I best keep going..

This turned out to be my first bad day.. so I’d say out of all those km’s completed, to not have a bad day ’til now is pretty good.

The wind gusts were strong and really pushed me around.. mainly because around Esperance is a lot of  farm land, and most of the trees are gone.  Also because of the shape of the bike and how it’s loaded it really responds to the wind gusts.  They weren’t even that bad, I’d say around 15 – 20 knots?

I pushed through… or I should say it pushed me..  It was like I’d be happy to ride along and somebody would come up beside me using both arms and would give me a really angry shove to push me down.. over and over and over all day.

My goal was to get to Albany, but at a fuel stop in Jerramungup, I decided I had enough… where is the closest campervan park!!??  Didn’t like the one there, and I had heard of Bremer Bay.. it was 120 kms’s away and 60 km’s off the beaten track, which is a long way when you are riding slow and careful through the wind.. But I went for it.

Gee whiz, those last 60 k’s were the worst… just wanted to get off the bike!  The rain was intense, the wind would let off…  Ugh!!!!  Nearly had a cry actually… but I made it..

And a nice surprise to a wonderful campground there, one of the prettiest I have ever stayed..

Up to date and super clean amenities..  Even though I set up the tent in the pouring rain, once I got inside, I was one happy little camper… a great stop!  It’s Bremer Bay Beaches Resort campground if anyone heading that way… well worth it trip!

Next challenge, nothing around to find for dinner.  I went back to the camp manager and he was wonderful.. he donated a tin of tomato soup, my favorite!!  and I warmed it up in the camp kitchen… little happy camper was now full and content.. what a nice sleep I had in the rain…

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