I never heard the word “pannier” until I started researching this trip. I kept hearing pannier this and pannier that and what the heck are they talking about!? Oh…. saddle bags or luggage. I used to ride a Harley Davidson many years ago, and we had leather “saddle bags”. I think pannier sounds much better..
After watching fantastic DVD’s from Horizon’s Unlimited, there was some good advice on whether to go with soft or hard panniers. My conclusion from comments was to go for the soft. It’s a better landing for the bike when it goes down. Plus the danger of the hard panniers hurting my legs on a fall or tearing apart the frame.
Then.. in the madness of getting the bike and ordering accessories, I started liking the aluminium boxes – and nearly ordered them! Until, thank goodness, I was guided back onto the coarse for soft ones. I know I will feel better with the soft panniers. They won’t allow me to carry as much on the side, but that will be a good thing. To keep the weight and size balanced – I truly want to travel as light as possible. This will be an extreme test of my organizational skills! I’m up for it…
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