
Kas Turkey

While in Gocek, the always helpful Doug Wothke sent me a message saying he has a friend in Kas, south Turkey, if I happen to be going that way.  I looked it up and I was only 150 km away!

Sent his friend a message, who so quickly replied at 7 in the morning.. saying to come visit!  Yay!  I always love to meet people on my way who knows the area, as they always give the best inside scoop of best roads, places etc.
So with only 150 km to go today, easy peasey.. I wander along the coast slowly. It’s a nice break to travel without a mission!  “What’s over there?”  

Well let’s go have a look! Maybe go down that road, for no good reason other than it looks interesting… these are the best days.

I found this place called Xanthos.. by the sound of it, must be more Greek ruins?  I have trouble concentrating on the history though as I am just in love with the spring wild flowers more..

I have no idea what the words say on this block, but gee whiz, words carved so many years.. centuries ago?  So curious what it says..

Deary me!! Talk about a dramatic history!  Here is the story of Xanthos I have learned from

“Xanthos is the oldest and largest city of the mountainous province of Lycia, settled around 8th century BC in the valley of the Xanthos (today’s Kinik) river in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Until the Persian invasion in the 4th century BC it was an independent state. When the people of Xanthos, who had bravely tried to defend their city against Persians, realized that they could not repulse the invasion, they first killed their woman and committed mass suicide by throwing themselves into the flames. About 80 surviving families and people who immigrated there rebuilt the city, but a fire which broke out about 100 years later razed it to the ground. In spite of this, the city was again rebuilt and, establishing good relations with its neighbors, was considered as an important center in Lycia. However, Xanthos again met with an unfortunate end. As a result of resisting the taxes the Athenians wanted to impose on them in 429 BC, the city was largely destroyed and the inhabitants were drawn into a war. And thus Xanthos became “a city of disasters”. “

Wait, gotta look at the bike again.. flowers and snow capped mountains this time.. just love it! ;-))

Okay, turn around Sherri Jo.. more interesting remnants of past life history to see..

Xanthos doesn’t seem to be a main attraction, no tourists or entry fees.  It’s just here.. and I just noticed there is a cow eating at the amphitheater, so there you go.  However, this is so much nicer to see without the crowds, especially on such a beautiful day.

I got a call from David.. who asks if I am vegetarian, because he and his wife are putting on a Christmas Dinner tonight!  What??  I look at my phone calendar, because I have lost sense of days and time on this trip, but I didn’t think I was that bad!
David also has some motorcycle guests from Holland, Marko and Dorine, and a crazy young third guest of the day Ruud, also a Dutch.  So with all the shiny nice motorcycles around, I guess David and family got inspired for Christmas??

I better get back on the road and make my way to Kas then.. don’t want to miss this meal!!

More coastal south Turkey roads.. that water… so blue!

I met a couple of bikers from Austria on this road.  We stopped to say hello and decided to go for an afternoon tea.  They’re on their way to India!  Brave souls to want to take on Indian traffic!

So fun to meet them.. Was only on the road only 10 minutes more, and I meet 3 more riders (2 from Germany and 1 from Czech Republic) on their one week riding holiday.  In this part of the world (South Turkey) I have seen the highest concentration of bikers so far.. they all seem to know what I only just learned.. it’s a great ride!!
Good to know I am in good company on these roads?  And you know these guys impressed me, as they walked up to me while taking photos, they say, “Hey, you are the girl riding your bike all the way around the world, yes?”  I’m thinking.. “no way…”  They only knew because they had met with Robert in Gocek who gave me all the great route advice.
Okay, I must stop dallying, as Christmas dinner is on my mind!
There’s just no stopping how pretty this ride is..
Until I met this guy!  I am only stopped for a minute here on the road, no buildings around, etc.. I was tinkering with my gps, and this guy comes up to me and I get quite a shock! I look around, there is water on one side and rocks on the other.. where the heck did he come from?
He speaks a little English and with that accent asks me #1, My name, #2 am I married and #3… can he be my boyfriend… ????!!!!  Dude, serious!!???  
Hayir.. Tessiker Ederim  (no thank you..)
He actually was a lovely guy, but I’m thinking about that upcoming meal again, better go.. hey?!!
I find my way to Kas.. however the gps (which is working so minimally for me in this country, only very basic info) does not want to take me to David’s house.
Marco to the rescue, he comes and meets me on the main road and guides me in!
We’re heading away from the coast and it’s just as pretty this way.. Again, as usual with my journey, I had no idea what to expect from this part of the world, but I didn’t think of Turkey with snow capped mountains, pine trees, etc.
Arrival to the house of English and Dutch!  How will an Aussie/American ever fit in!
This is Englishman David Bird, quite a popular presence on ADVrider, I understand.
And these are some of his kids..  I am so impressed and happy to see that he and his wife are passionate about helping the animals.. All these guys have such a dreadful story and were in desperate need of rescue in Turkey, and look how fat and happy they are now..  They also have a proper rescue center they work in helping so many more dogs and cats in the area..  
I have been laughed at a bit myself in these last few countries, as I see many cats and dogs… so many of them without homes, everywhere!  Some countries have a culture to put food out in the streets for them, and some don’t.  So for me, whenever I get a meal, I save usually half, if not buy extra, carry in my tank bag and feed the worse cases as I travel along.. It’s so hard, because I just want to feed and take care of them all!  So I can see why David’s household is full, I would be the same.
Now, young Ruud is in the midst of giving a lesson to Marco on how to properly pick up the bike when it’s down.

Success!  A bit worried about the color of his head though! 😉
Now, David want’s to try…
Success #2! What a good teacher is Ruud!
I also give it a go using my own bike (with only the rear bag off, panniers full)  And I did it!!  No photos though.. ;-((  Please, believe me.. I honestly didn’t do it well, but it was a good lesson for me too.
Everybody’s happy and Juliette (David’s wife) calls us in for that special meal..
Look at ALLLLLL that good food!!!

I have been enjoying Turkish food, but this is a super nice treat.  THANK YOU DAVID AND JULIETTE!!!

After a good sleep on their super comfy couch, the next day it’s time to make the next move.
Marco and Dorine from Amsterdam, are heading toward East Turkey.. I am going to follow along the South Coast, and Ruud is staying in Kas (he met a really nice girl there.. 😉
Being that the kitty cat is holding the bike down, sounds like a good choice for him.
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