Speaking of Marie’s painting, she painted the above photo for me. While volunteering for the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Indiana, I had the huge pleasure of helping to raise 3 babies, Herman, Sumara and Joey. I wanted the painting to give to my Dad for Christmas. Sumara is sucking on my finger. Herman, being the only boy, just wanted attention and to be close, and Joey you don’t see, but she’s on my leg.
And..here they are now (as of November 2009), with my nephew Joey. Herman still up front wanting the most attention!!
Hats off to Joe Taft and Jean Herrberg for creating and running the EFRC!!!!! They completely dedicate their lives to taking care of this large family of big cats
which permanently house and care for over 205 big cats these days and growing! Most of these cats come out of dire situations of abuse and cruelty throughout the United States. Here is a photo of a tiger recently rescued and in such poor condition, could hardly raise his head.
The good news is at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center, these cats are fed well, excellent care and given lots and lots of love by everyone! Never to be bought or sold, they will live out their lives here.
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