

Sayonara Japan!

Sayonara Japan, An nyung ha se yo Korea! Only been in Korea 2 days, but already missing Japan greatly! I had a wonderful time in Japan, and hope to return some day.. but for now, we must move on.. The ferry over to Korea was quite a process. Not ever really sure I could go actually!  I had done the best I could to book myself from my computer in Adelaide before...


Fukuoka Japan

Have a look at this sign.. typical day for me.. I am traveling on 3, want to keep traveling on 3 to my destination.. but they pull up this sign that I can go either on 3 or 3!!  Which f’ing 3!!!  You think just look at the names written in English and head for the right one?? NO…. not a single one of those town names is on my map… I chose...


Yufuin Japan – My night in the Motorcycle Museum!

Of all the most interesting discoveries on my adventure! How did I end up sleeping at the museum? Before I left Adelaide, I put the question out on the Horizons Unlimited website for any advice on routes to take in Japan.  (where I met Hiroyuki and his wife!).. well I also got a message from Kim in Denmark who advised me of a Rider House in Yufuin along side a...