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Matsumoto Castle Japan – On the bike again..!

Friday morning, a wonderful big breakfast made by Midori, and it’s time to pack up the bike and start heading south. The quintessential Mum – making sure I have something to eat on the road..  ðŸ˜‰  I love it.. Grandpa checks out the bike. I try my best to explain that pannier is where my computer lives.. They gave me some more detailed maps, since...


Tokyo Japan – I got my Bike!!

Just a quickie as I am exhausted from a very big day… Might just upload the photos and let them tell the story.. I started off early this morning at Japan Automobile Federation to get my Carnet approved. Then madly tried to locate Motorcycle Insurance.. no luck and long story I might add tomorrow. Finally gave up in Tokyo city so I could get rental car back to...


Konnichiwa from Tokyo Japan!

WARNING – I was very SNAP HAPPY today!! What a fascinating culture to get to learn in a couple days..  But I am certainly out of my league at the moment! Still without the bike, as I am going to the JAF office in the morning, to hopefully get my Carnet stamped for approval to ride in this country! In the meantime, I am trying to get used to the roads here...


Perth West Australia – Shipping the bike

On Tuesday, Aaron from KTM got a mate of his to sort out my side stand problem.. I didn’t get to meet him, but his name is Barney, and he owns Parnaby’s Welding in Perth.  Barney Parnaby!  (I don’t know how the name works out that way, but I like it!)  He was wonderfully kind, a Harley Rider, and did the work for free in support of my...