Well I have to say I had a wonderful time in Perth! I was there for a whole week. I’m glad about that for a few reasons..
When I looked at what I needed to accomplish to get the bike ready for overseas, I knew if I didn’t make it to Perth on the Friday, then everything would be closed Saturday and Sunday, and I would be stressin’..!
So, arrival on Thursday night you have seen.. on Friday morning first thing I was at Causeway KTM at Victoria Park. Walked in there complaining about my side stand as you know, but then while I was at it, also needed to have a good service done.
First one I met was young Aaron, and you could tell he was thinking.. “holy hell, crazy lady with too much sh_ _ on her bike!”
He had a quick look, didn’t pay attention to anything I said about the stand, he went straight into, “You need a stronger spring”. Obviously my bike is carrying more than the average 690 Enduro owner would, so even though I knew this before, I agreed to the work.
I hung around for the part to be delivered at noon. . They got into it and discovered it was a tougher job than anticipated..
3 pm, Service done, side stand and spring NOT done. What’s a motorcycle rider to do?
Rent a car! Well, if it had to stay the weekend at KTM in pieces, and I was due to deliver bike to Qantas on Tuesday, then even if they finished on Monday, I would have only had it for hours before I delivered it back for the crate ordeal.
Since last November, I have been in full on preparations for this trip. Getting the bike, gear, planning, working, house remodeling, tenant preps etc etc. Now, I don’t have a house, a bike, everything needing to be planned is planned.. Heck – now what do I do???
Young Robert, my house host sorted it ALL out for me. That was quite a change for me, didn’t have to THINK about anything! I traveled along while did grocery shopping, rock climbing, lunch, and finally a movie… I saw a movie!! It’s been many months since I stepped foot in a theater! (We saw the A-Team, I really like it)
But I think the wind down caught up with me, and I was bottoming out… not hardly a speck of energy in me, and I couldn’t work out what the problem was.. I was worried until Rob put into perspective all of the above mentioned planning, plus an exhausting 10 days riding just literally caught up with me!
On Sunday I came good again, thank goodness.. Again the House Host/Planner had every detail to the day sorted, and off we went for him to show me around Perth.
Started at Fremantle in the morning, markets, coffee, etc..
Then on to Cottlesloe Beach, where Rob went to take a photo, until this man pulled up on his bike.. Rob was about to tell him he was in the way, but I thought the picture would be far more entertaining with this guy in it!
That big building in the background houses the restaurant called “Indiana“. Where I am from! I thought that was cool, and what a great name Indiana is!
Lastly over to King’s Park. A great view of the city of Perth from the park.. grass was so green and perfect as a gold coarse. So many people just having a soak up of sun, and enjoying their families on such a beautiful day! So much so, just the look of them all relaxing has an effect on SOMEBODY…!!
I won’t hold it against him.. I do know what hard work it is showing somebody around.. gave me an opportunity to have a wander, and watch… like this young boy, so intently seems to be paying his respects to those fallen for our country..
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