
Takayama to Kyoto

After a nice sleep in the backpackers that Hiroyuki drove me to, I got up for an early morning walk.  I always enjoy exploring places before the town wakes up…  seems more peaceful and special that way..

Found my way into the old town Takayama
How do I always find little animals in trouble?  I came across 3 little birds who must have tried their luck at first flight and they are not ready..
These little guys were too close to the running curb water, and I was worried.
I tried to get them away, and one jumped right into the fast flowing water.  I know you are not to touch the birds, but he was a gonner if I didn’t throw my hand in and scoop him up quickly.
I didn’t know what to do with them.. so I recruited some shop owners who hadn’t opened up for the day yet.  (Using sign language of coarse)
They were really nice and thought quickly by getting a box to put them in..
Whew!  Day saved.. I hope anyway… hope Mother bird takes over from here…
Very rainy day, but time to hit the road..
I pack up and head north, hoping to avoid all the big cities on the other side of the island (Kyoto, Osaka, Nagoya, etc.)
Onto the expressway, and into the never ending tunnels.  The biggest one was over 10 km long!  I liked this tunnel, however I did get a bit faint around the middle.  I wonder since it is so far from each end that the air gets thin?  Is this possible?  I was breathing in and out so heavy, not seeming to get enough air.  Plus the car fumes maybe accumulate there?  Don’t know but I was a bit worried for a while..
Got up to the top and thought I best get off the expressway… don’t like the fast cars..  However, the smaller roads are all just stop and start and very very slow.. I was getting nowhere.. So I went back onto to the expressway.. 
I know I want to get to Fukuoka and Kyoshu Prefecture, so I decided just to expressway myself there asap!
After many checking of the map, I made a decision to head into all the nasty city connections that I tried so hard and traveled so far to avoid..
Finally got to Kyoto for the night.. not willing to navigate the confusing streets again, I take to the hotel next to the exit… I get off, and they didn’t look like anywhere I would stay.. then I drove and drove and didn’t find anything better.. for about an hour!  I was so tired and just wanted to stop, but I got back onto the expressway to find another option.  Saw a hotel and got off again.  It was another Love Hotel.  
Since I know how they work I went for it.  Only 500 yen more than the youth hostel, and they are so much bigger and cleaner, so why not?  Only thing I don’t like is being trapped inside, but I knew I was tired enough I would sleep through it.
Got up at 5:30 and packed up.  Since you don’t actually see anybody to check in, you just pick the lit up room.. when I did go to pay in the room machine, it said 11,600 yen!!!  I paniced!!  The sign downstairs said $4250 yen for 17:00 to 11:00.
I rang on the phone by pressing all the buttons, a man answered and talked away in Japanese, I tried and tried and tried to get him to just come to room 703 and open the door.  He kept talking, and I was getting to where my voice was changing and he finally came.. whew!  I was really scared that time, so much I was shaking…he was not going to understand to let me out the door!
He took me to his office to pay, and he gave me a bill for $7600 yen.  Still too much!  I took him downstairs to the sign I saw, he saw I was upset, and he gave me a good slap on the shoulder and said “Hai”  (yes!)
Whew!  After I told him I was from Australia, he offered me drink… his wife came out and offered me to sit and have breakfast with them.. very nice, but I just wanted to go.
Sorry for the blurry picture, the humidity is crazy here!
But they were like caring parents, watching me pack up my bike.. wife ran upstairs and brought me down some candy to take on the road.. All from the love hotel!!  There are more than one forms of love coming from that place!  
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