Two things that really stood out to me while riding the northern roads of Greece are: 1) the tall rocky snowy mountains.. and 2) the amount of power plants.
I have seen too many advertisements for Greece and they all seem to show me ocean, sailboats and white churches.. never even imagine these snowy mountains .. surprise!
And for the power plants, I see them everywhere and often! I don’t know much about power plants, but I didn’t realize they needed quite that many of them in a small area. It’s hard to see in this photo below, but behind this obvious plant is another one in the distance just at the base of the mountain.. that’s how close they are…
Aha, I think that the rock formations ahead must be Kalambaka (Meteora) coming up…
And another one!
While I was parked taking photos, this very large man on a tiny little scooter that was puffing out serious amounts of purple smoke pulls up next to me.. I’m like, “Oh, no..” He asks “You need a room?” I smile and say I already have one.. He says, “You have reservation?”, I say yes.. He says, “Pension Arsenis?” I’m like, geez, this guy is psychic! But I didn’t want to answer him with a yes, but then told me he was expecting a lady on a motorcycle, and that would be me!! You don’t see many around here, so I expect I’m the one! ;-))
His name is Kostas, and his uncle says his nickname in English is “Bubba”.. classic! Kostas is as nice and helpful as you could imagine and it was amazing he finds me as I was looking for their place.. and had me follow him to the pension.. couldn’t ask for better service than that!! I have grave concerns for that little scooter though.. it was not happy.. and I had the thought that after following so many men on this trip who have big BMW’s, this is just a humorous change of scenery…
Lovely Kostas got me to my beautiful room in the country overlooking the mountains and to Kalambaka in the valley below.. his Mom made me a big meal and I settled in for the night.
Next day I just rode around and enjoyed this amazing and most unique place I have ever seen on this planet..and without much explanation, here are the photos of the day..
I was just wondering how they get the grass on top of this one so nicely groomed.. ??
Varlaam Monastery
These roads are sooo fun..!
Okay, I hope you’ve enjoyed a little tour around Meteora.. it gets top marks for one of my favorite places I seen so far..
Next stop, Delphi (Delphos) Greece!
Magnificent photos! Wish there had been bear warning signs in the Catskills.
Great post! The place does look fabulous. I am so glad you posted that change of scenery shot. "Bubba" on the scooter is a classic.
That is just amazing scenery, beautiful photos.I feel sorry for the scooter 😉 and the road in front of him looks amazing and perfect for motorcycling 🙂
Brilliant Sherri, Brings back memories and also intentions to see some new places. Glad you are keeping well.