Blazo Milic


Montenegro PLUS Albania and Macedonia

No, Blazo… you can’t come with me!! Just kidding, he’s not begging to come along.. more like begging me to go!  😉  Well not that either, not really sure why he’s taken this position on the beach.. but we have fun teasing him about it.. Spent my last night in Montenegro.  Blazo has done so well to show me the majority of his country, and I finally have...


Montenegro Part 4

I’m soooo fast.. ha! ;;-) Another day in Montenegro, and we’re off and running again!  They all told me I have to ride this road before I leave.. it is a really really really fun road.  It’s the mountain road from Cetinje to Kotor. Thank you to Blazo and Marija for all the photos… ! As for my part in photography, I don’t think...


Montenegro Part 3

I’ve had two nights here and that’s long enough to enjoy the generosity of anyone’s time and home.. but Blazo was just adamant that he has more of Montenegro to show me and I must stay longer.. I am so grateful and I feel guilty for him to take time off of work.. Convincing me that there is no trouble with work, I reluctantly agreed – ha...


Montenegro Part 2

The next day, a very enthusiastic Blazo has the entire day completely planned! First stop he organized us to meet both a television and newspaper journalist. These things make me nervous and I get embarrassed, but we got through it.. it was special for a couple reasons.  First, Montenegro really followed these boys on their  so I am sure it was good for an...

Bosnia, Croatia to Montenegro

Oh gee whiz, I’ve done a lot since the last blog post.  Checking in from Athens Greece.. I’ve finished Bosnia i Herzegovina, back into Croatia, another 16 km into Bosnia, back into Croatia again, and then to Montenegro.. (in this blog).. but since I have also ridden through Albania, Macedonia and now in of coarse in Greece.. where to begin...


Sokcho South Korea to Vladivostok Russia!

It’s finally come time to leave South Korea and move on.. I like being on the move. Walter (whom I will be joining for the first portion of Russia:  Magadan to Irktusk) and his bike have arrived from the UK via Seoul.. he gets his bike unpacked from the crate.. of which my tires are included!  We are eventually putting the knobbies back on for the...