Buell Ulysses

Granada Nicaragua

We’re in!!  After 30 something countries on this journey, it’s still exciting to me every time the border officers let me in. They have the power to deny.  And then it’s another new country.. new territory for me to explore!  After crossing the border to Nicaragua, Mark and I decided to head straight to Granada. It’s Walter...


San Miguel de Allende, Tula and Teotihuacan Ruins Mexico

Packing up the bikes to leave Guanajuato.  Miss you already..  ;-((((((((((  The street we live on in Guanajuato. Officially on the road again!!  You can’t miss it because you can’t miss all of the speed bumps (topes) in Mexico.  They certainly make good use of them throughout the country! I’ve seen many of these reindeer...

Exploring the coolest town of Guanajuato MEXICO!

Guanajuato was a pleasant surprise to see in the morning!!!  How gorgeous are the colors here!! Little did we know that this town is all about color.  Unlike any place I’ve been before….. I’m not sure where to start with this town, there is so much to show.  We went for breakfast, and it was a no brainer that we should stay longer...

Mascota to Guanajuato MEXICO

From Mascota Mexico we find a road that follows the bottom of a big lake (Laguna de Chapata) toward Guanajuato.  This road will keep us off the main highway. Big note:  Not only are highways boring, but they have super expensive tolls throughout the entire country.  It’s darn near necessary to stay off the highways for that reason alone. ...

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Tequila Tequila! Puerto Vallarta to Mascota MEXICO

From Puerto Vallarta we all want to head inland again.  Found another very curvy road to follow.. shock! I personally want to make my way toward Mexico City. The boys do too at this point, as there are some really cool ruins near the city. But first we ride away from the west coast. Fields of the all important agave plant from which the tequila is made. The boys...

Mazatlan to Puerto Vallarta MEXICO

From Mazatlan we ride to Puerto Vallarta, about 450 km.  I had it in my head to get to this town as Puerto Vallarta was a favorite for me when I was young and escaping Indiana for spring break. We traveled down the coast of Mexico, but it’s not like really traveling down the coast.. no views.  You win some, you lose some. The ride was pretty...

MEXICO Espinazo del Diablo to Mazatlan Pt 2

Good morning from Durango Mexico!  Nice view!!  I have to say that is one of the greatest pleasures of living on the road; waking up to something different nearly every day. Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou?? (Couldn’t help it.. sorry!! ;-))) The Espinazo del Diablo is a special road, but no matter how special, we don’t want to go back the same...

MEXICO Baja Ferry, "Devil’s Backbone" road to Durango Pt. 1

The time has come to leave Baja California Sur and take a ferry across to the mainland Mexico.  I’m really glad we chose to do Baja.  It’s a unique part of the world I’ll never forget. James and I were prepared for the lengthy paperwork process to purchase our ferry ticket.  When we got to the counter there was only 1 seat left on the...