


Had a really nice run on the Viluisky Trakt today..  rigidy again (that’s my new word), but feeling comfortable and cruisin’. Walter waves me into a café for some lunch.  The villages are more frequent along this stretch and there are roadside café’s for travellers.  This is a true pleasure.  After travelling the Road of Bones, new road and old...


A BIG day on dirt to a Gulag – Russia

After breakfast we head for the Gulag.  As with most things Russia.. for me anyway, I have never heard of a Gulag.  Ilya from Magadan told us about this place, but again they all speak in Russian and I only pick up bits and pieces. Since then I have looked up more on the internet.. and we have also had a chance to visit a Gulag museum. I will give more...

2010 07 2907 42 18

Magadan into the Wild Siberia

Hey!! I’m riding on dirt roads!!  Now that I look back at this photo, what a nice dirt road that was!  If I only knew what was ahead of me…… I must dob myself in… A few months ago in the midst of my massive amounts of research planning this trip, I came across Walter Colebatch and his comments about adventure riding on a...

2010 07 2900 01 102

Bike arrives Magadan Russia

Well I didn’t sign up for a holiday when I started this trip… I am worn out, and been pushed so far BEYOND my limits..  Very sore, battered and bruised, but I’m here!! And we finally have made it to a town, Yakustk where I can update my blog!  Many stories and photos to come.. For now though I need to go right back to Magadan… wow...


Vladivostok to Magadan Russia

My new temporary life in Vladivostok is coming to an end.. but not without a bang! Lots of gunfire out in the bay from all those warships.. Walter had read on the internet that things were heating up between North Korea and South Korea, and since we are so close to North Korea, he thought maybe this had something to do with it. Wow, I’ve never been around big...


Sokcho South Korea to Vladivostok Russia!

It’s finally come time to leave South Korea and move on.. I like being on the move. Walter (whom I will be joining for the first portion of Russia:  Magadan to Irktusk) and his bike have arrived from the UK via Seoul.. he gets his bike unpacked from the crate.. of which my tires are included!  We are eventually putting the knobbies back on for the...