

Ojos del Salado, Chile

As usual, my blog posts are dreadfully behind..  I can only say that I have been on the run, moving fast through several countries, enjoying people, places, roads, oceans, jungles, deserts… etc etc etc. I have so much writing to catch up on and I hope to have time off from the road shortly to do so.. In the meantime, I am in Chile!!  If you follow us...



I’m back on blog!! Sort of.. only a quickie while bike is in for repairs..  now where did I leave off.. Here I am leaving Yellowstone (in August) and found this important little sign to pass on my way to the north of America.. I’m on my way to Bozeman Montana to visit and stay with Barton Churchill, whom I met last year in Russia.. a man with very...


Finland to Berlin Germany!

Onward and upward from Estonia to Finland! From here I must take a ferry. I started to think that this motorcycle trip around the world includes so many ferry rides.. seems like I am cheating! But then I remembered that the earth’s surface is 75% water.. and I’m on a motorcycle, what do you expect Sherri Jo??? Just be glad I don’t have to put on...


St. Petersburg Russia

Three full days on a train, I was excited about this! It was fun for a while, but it got to be too long as you might imagine. I was really missing my bike, and I wished I hadn’t done this, but I tried to make the most of it. What surprised me is that the landscape looked the same the entire way!! Those 2 ladies at the window came well equipped with heaps of...


Mongolia to Novosibirsk Russia

After a good sleep in my wooden yurt, I take off early again to get back to Novosibirsk.. and back to more familiar faces. First stop,  a big drink of  much needed fuel! I still waited to eat though. Hungry as I was, I could have found something in this town, but I knew I wanted to go back to the café at Aktash… Back to the same place I had been before...


To Mongolia!!

I was so excited that today was the day I go to Mongolia!!!  I have been dreaming of visiting Mongolia so many years since I used to watch the Travel Channel in America.  It took some decision making to make this little side journey, because I was warned that I am too late in the season to visit this area due to the cold high elevations.  I nearly...


Novosibirsk to Mongolia

Whew! Still exhausted I pack up and start my journey to Mongolia. Both Mark (house host) and Walter had given me good tips of what to expect, where to stop, etc. With my wonderfully handy GPS, I navigated my way through the city and started south. The road for the first 500 km is rather boring and completely full of trucks puffing out big thick black smoke. They must...


Krasnoyarsk to Novosibirsk Russia

I stayed in Indiana for 2 weeks, knowing all the while I was on the edge of the season for Siberia and needed to get a move on before the winter sets in.  At this stage I’m only about 1/2 way across this large country.  I fly back into Krasnoyarsk, where my wonderful Russian helpers are waiting.  The following photos were taken on September 1...



I could have stayed on the barge for more than 4 days.. the time went by so quickly for me.  I had an opportunity to catch up on my blogs, sort through photos.. I was working full time.. There was only an opportunity for short little breaks and some quick photos on board, but then I was back to work.  I knew it best to take advantage of this time, because...


Lena River BARGE Russia PART 2

The remaining 4 days were lovely and gorgeous.. I really enjoyed this wonderful break on the barge.. It was a nice easy going journey compared to the rugged, rigid shaking about on the bike.  For the most part uneventful, so I will just fill the rest of this blog up with photos..  Hope you enjoy.. I had mentioned on facebook and not able to express in a...