

Mongolia to Novosibirsk Russia

After a good sleep in my wooden yurt, I take off early again to get back to Novosibirsk.. and back to more familiar faces. First stop,  a big drink of  much needed fuel! I still waited to eat though. Hungry as I was, I could have found something in this town, but I knew I wanted to go back to the café at Aktash… Back to the same place I had been before...


MIRNY TO LENSK Russia and Lena River BARGE

Time to leave our good friends in Mirny. Still blown away by how much we were looked after again and again.. Igor had made a connection with a barge in Lensk and we needed to be there by 8 AM. Lensk is 250 km down the dirt road, so Captain Magadan decides we should leave at 3:00 AM to get there on time. 3:00 AM!! Why don’t we go a day ahead? Well because hotels cost...


Vladivostok to Magadan Russia

My new temporary life in Vladivostok is coming to an end.. but not without a bang! Lots of gunfire out in the bay from all those warships.. Walter had read on the internet that things were heating up between North Korea and South Korea, and since we are so close to North Korea, he thought maybe this had something to do with it. Wow, I’ve never been around big...


Vladivostok Russia – Rock and Roll !!

As you know I am loving Vladivostok… but after 10 days in one town, I have very itchy feet and certainly VERY ready to roll!  Probably should not mention the rock part.. as I will be seeing my fair share of rocky roads for the next few weeks. However, there was some serious Rockin’ and Rollin’ happening at the Iron Angels 3rd Birthday Party...


Sokcho South Korea to Vladivostok Russia!

It’s finally come time to leave South Korea and move on.. I like being on the move. Walter (whom I will be joining for the first portion of Russia:  Magadan to Irktusk) and his bike have arrived from the UK via Seoul.. he gets his bike unpacked from the crate.. of which my tires are included!  We are eventually putting the knobbies back on for the...