

I found a Koala in Tuscany Italy!

A pretty sorry looking one at that… really stands out though here in Tuscany. One last post to wrap up my time in Italy.. How much will  I miss the comforts of a home!??  A washing machine, a kitchen, a warm bed that I don’t have to search for at night, so many things I love about home..  So here is a little bit of the last days of my life...


Tuscany in January.. friends, food, and culture!

I was honored to have good friends whom I’ve met earlier on this journey travel all the way from Estonia to visit Italia, and me..! Maris and Anneli.  Our main goal together was an Italian culinary extravaganza!!  Food, wine, cheese.. what else!  And I think I can vouch for all of us, mission was a complete success. But first a look around to...

Italy – Tuscany Snow

I have been lucky enough to visit Italy a couple times before in my life.. Rome, Naples, Genoa, Pisa and Florence.  They are all amazing and worth seeing again and again!  But nobody has ever said to me, “Sherri, if you go to Italy, you must visit Assisi.”  This is something I feel I need to say to you or anybody who wanted to know.. First...


Italian Adventure begins in Assisi

There’s snow in ‘them hills!  Ahh, after the beautiful sunset leaving Croatia the night before, I arrived on the early morning ferry to Ancona Italy in.. you guessed it, the rain.  I didn’t pull the camera out of the bag, no point and kept it dry. So, this will be a non-motorcycley blog post, but I absolutely loved this town and...