Tag - hello


Romania Part 2

Warning! Lots of pictures in this one (well more than normal anyway.. ) Romania is sooo beautiful.  Wasn’t sure what to expect, but glad to find it to be a great place to ride a motorcycle.. First a few views from the road:  Farming gets done by hand around here!  Fields, sheep herding.. not many fences, not many borders.. I like it.. I know...


Romania Part 1

  It was kind of fun to stop the bike on a big bridge with no emergency lane, large trucks passing by to hop off and take a photo!!  Not often you get the border sign in a place like this?!  Such things would usually scare me in the past, but now I just do whatever I want.. cocky rider in the making! ;-/ I’ve been looking forward to Romania...


Welcome to Bulgaria!

Apologies for the delayed blog post!!  I’m horribly behind again.. I’ve really really been on the move.. Meeting so many people, wonderful hosts, riding the bike a lot, leaving little time for blogging. Always a tough decision, should I go see that or meet them, or update my blog.. Have to say that I tend to choose enjoying my experiences over...


Gokceada Turkey (aka Imvros Greece)

I’m on a ferry again!!  Who’d a thought a journey on a motorcycle would include that many ferries!  Now this one will need a bit of explanation.. I am on my way to an island in north Turkey called Gokceada.. I have heard so much about this island from many years ago as it’s the place my Greek friend Captain Georgios Apistolas comes from...

Istanbul Turkey

Finally, I’ve made it to the top of Turkey!  And saved the really big city for last. Istanbul! (Formerly known as Constantinople) I get a bit disappointed as there is so much of Turkey I have missed.. I need at least a month in each country!! ;-( I was and I was not looking forward to Istanbul.. the mere size of the place scared the bejeebers out of me and...