
Day 5 – Eucla to Balledonia – 513 km!!

Big day, hey??  I felt a bit guilty for having the hotel treat, that I wanted an early start and accomplish some k’s.

The landscape changed so much during that ride.. however, it rained most of the day!  See, I knew I had it lucky Nullabor day!!

It was a new test of what Sherri Jo can do.  Haven’t ridden much in the rain before, and now that I am, I have a bike packed up with heaps of gear… and no windshield to soften the blow.

I was up for the challenge though, wasn’t bad at all really.  I do love my Rukka gear, and it literally kept me completely dry.  Really impressed with that.  And my handwarmers, did an excellent job keeping my hands warm.. not sure if I would cope riding in cold rain without those heated hand grips.  Also much credit to Innotesco and Rukka again for the gloves they sponsored me with.  Completely dry hands as well!

A really good little test.  My waterproof bag is actually waterproof – I was wondering!  Now I know!  (Can’t say the same for my waterproof tent however!, but that’s okay, the spray water protectant is on my list of little fix ups to do in Perth..)

I again had trouble getting photos, so I hope I can paint a little mental picture of a beautiful mystical magical day on the land.  Rainbows, big bad clouds of all shades of colors.. watching them roll in from so far away and how that makes the barren land and sparce trees stand out amongst those colors.  So many little forests of dead trees.. what would come to mind when I passed them is that they must be the “ghosts of Christmas past”…  Or another way to put in comparison, it was like I was walking down an aisle in a Cathedral, and all the elders since time began where watching me pass by.

To unshamefully prove how the mind plays when riding along all day.. here is an even worse example of how I entertained myself.

I know this is a mental thing, but I noticed myself singing Christmas songs in my head several times along the trip.. why???  No idea!!! might be related to my other mental glitch of singing Zippity Do Da – a lot!  To entertain myself!??  This is a real worry!  Especially when I then started singing Zippity Do Da, but changed the first letter (except for vowels)  For instance, start with “B”  Bippity Boo Ba, Bippity Bay! My Oh My what a wonderful Day!!…. Dippity Do Da… Gippity Goo Ga… Tippity Too Ta…  Rippity Roo Ra.. etc

Okay, that’ enough.. I finally made it to Balledonia, just in time as it was starting to get dark, and the kanga’s were out.

Here is a little skippy I met at the Roadhouse, who has a Joey in her pouch.. Joey was cute as a button!  But when I went to it’s picture, Joey popped back inside, and it was Mum who is sucking the thumb!!!  Glad to find after a long day that I’m not the only crazy one out there!  ðŸ˜‰

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