
Welcome to Indiana!!

Who’da thought many years ago when I moved from Indiana to South Australia, that I would actually ride all the way back on a motorcycle!!??  I sure didn’t!!! Wasn’t even a blip on my radar..  Now that I have, it will probably be something I will remember in to my old age… ha! The last few months have been go go go..  so much...


perth – Most interesting unexpected Experiences!! Part 4

These interesting and unexpected experiences keep coming up in Perth.. is it the trip itself, or is it because I am actually in one spot for longer than a sleep in the tent.. So, if you have seen on my Facebook page about the group “Against the Grain”, you will know I met up with these amazing men who are organizing a journey on quad bikes to re-visit...

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Oh Dear, I Broke a Fingernail..

Yep, it’s true.. Pinky finger nail right off.. Today I had some training with Sam.  What a big day it was!!  The intention was for some dirt roads, and Sam knows how to deliver! I guess I should start off by a long ride up the big hill out of Adelaide early this morning in very thick fog and rain.  My visor was a foggy mess on the inside as well...


Big Fat Flat

Ooooooh, big fat flat tire! To continue on with our lovely country Sunday drive.. Once we decided to start heading back to Adelaide, only moments after making the turn the bike was out of control.  Back end was all over the place.  Even then I thought, wow this road doesn’t look much worse than the rest, I wonder why I am having trouble controlling...