United States


Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington USA

Next stop as I travel south through the United States is Mt Rainier National Park.   I came in a bit late in the day and had a little look around.  Magical park, really like it here.  Barton arranged for me to stay in the rangers camp.. with nobody around, I set myself up for a rainy night.. Luckily the rangers camp is right next to the lodge, where I...



I’m back on blog!! Sort of.. only a quickie while bike is in for repairs..  now where did I leave off.. Here I am leaving Yellowstone (in August) and found this important little sign to pass on my way to the north of America.. I’m on my way to Bozeman Montana to visit and stay with Barton Churchill, whom I met last year in Russia.. a man with very...

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park.. has been on my list for years!!  But first a little lead in to it.. Traveling west from South Dakota,  I stopped for the night outside the park in Cody Wyoming.  Named after the all too famous William “Buffalo Bill” Cody. A bit like Elvis, could swear I actually saw the guy alive and well walking down the street...

Welcome to Indiana!!

Who’da thought many years ago when I moved from Indiana to South Australia, that I would actually ride all the way back on a motorcycle!!??  I sure didn’t!!! Wasn’t even a blip on my radar..  Now that I have, it will probably be something I will remember in to my old age… ha! The last few months have been go go go..  so much...


Krasnoyarsk to Novosibirsk Russia

I stayed in Indiana for 2 weeks, knowing all the while I was on the edge of the season for Siberia and needed to get a move on before the winter sets in.  At this stage I’m only about 1/2 way across this large country.  I fly back into Krasnoyarsk, where my wonderful Russian helpers are waiting.  The following photos were taken on September 1...


Exotic Feline Rescue Center Rescue Ride

I just happened to be in Indiana in time for the 4th annual Exotic Feline Rescue Center Rescue Ride. After their Facebook reminder (which I had seen before but didn’t respond to while traveling through Russia) came up again, and I quickly asked if I can be involved! What an opportunity to combine two of my favorite things! Directors Joe Taft and Jean Herrbert...


Vladivostok, Russia – More Tigers, Warships, and Love..

Was not joking when I said people here in Vladivostok love their tigers!  This man at the motorcycle club said he paid $2000 to have this one permanently printed on his skin!  Awesome work I must say.. I might consider that one for myself..  what do ya think.. ?  ðŸ˜‰ So it’s another day in the life of Sherri Jo in Russia.. it’s a tough...