Out of that amazing Roadhouse dirt patch I camped on at Nundroo and nervously headed into the Nullabor zone.. I noticed while riding through Yalata Aboriginal land that it didn’t take long for those trees to disappear, but had not yet gone in to the “Nullabor”. Along came the Nullabor Hotel/Motel, a last chance to top up the fuel, and I better have my lunch early, because God only knows when I might have a meal again.. there’s NOTHING out there!!
I was worried about doing this ever since I knew I was going to Perth on my bike.. and it was so wonderful I can’t wait to do it again…
The one little gripe I have is still my bike and the side stand. So many times I wanted to stop and take photos, but the soft grade on the road is steep enough not to take the bike off the pavement, and there is no stopping on the pavement with a possibility of a road train passing me up and knocking me over.
(The boys here in Perth are hopefully going to sort that stand out for me tomorrow… but not being able to stop when I wanted kept me from many photo opportunities along the way)
Finally found this side of road park, and after many attempts to get the side stand down, I found the right angle in a patch of dirt and succeeded… sheweee! I needed that break for more reasons than one! 😉
Of which I also took the opportunity to see if the whales are here yet..
Nope, didn’t see any… kind of glad I didn’t. After a couple seasons of swimming with the whales in Tonga, it would be hard just to watch them swim past without the urge to jump in the water and swim with them! (not legal in Australia.. which is a good thing)
Anyway!! I treated myself to the hotel once I got to Eucla. No tent tonight! I had a bed, a shower and MY OWN bathroom!
Ordered a good meal, snapper chips and fresh salad they grow there at the hotel. Still no phone reception, but I didn’t care, I was proud of my first few days and it was time for a reward…
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