

Port Vladivostok Russia!

Welcome to Port Vladivostok!! The bikes FINALLY get released from Customs after a completely full day (9 – 5!!) of going from office to office, paperwork after paperwork… fees after fees..  but we have been officially released! No wonder the girls are grumpy, look at the work load on her desk!! Walter organizes a guy from the local motorcycle club...


Sayonara Japan!

Sayonara Japan, An nyung ha se yo Korea! Only been in Korea 2 days, but already missing Japan greatly! I had a wonderful time in Japan, and hope to return some day.. but for now, we must move on.. The ferry over to Korea was quite a process. Not ever really sure I could go actually!  I had done the best I could to book myself from my computer in Adelaide before...


Fukuoka Japan

Have a look at this sign.. typical day for me.. I am traveling on 3, want to keep traveling on 3 to my destination.. but they pull up this sign that I can go either on 3 or 3!!  Which f’ing 3!!!  You think just look at the names written in English and head for the right one?? NO…. not a single one of those town names is on my map… I chose...


Kyoshu Japan – My Night in the Museum – 2

So much to see!! The entire upstairs was motorcycles.. and downstairs is a showcase of many museum sections all with different themes. In the midst of it all are some good ol’ movie cameras and props.. Here’s one for the boys.. And here’s one for the girls.. Thought I would do a video blog while I am here..  So to get to where I slept that...


Yufuin Japan – My night in the Motorcycle Museum!

Of all the most interesting discoveries on my adventure! How did I end up sleeping at the museum? Before I left Adelaide, I put the question out on the Horizons Unlimited website for any advice on routes to take in Japan.  (where I met Hiroyuki and his wife!).. well I also got a message from Kim in Denmark who advised me of a Rider House in Yufuin along side a...


Hiroshima Japan

I have to say that I really didn’t want to come here.. I remember so vividly the images from the a-bomb at school.. Clearly can still see the black and white photos of children running down the street naked and injured with a flattened city behind them.. On top of that, I remember our lesson wasn’t about destruction of people and families, it was about...

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Matsumoto Castle Japan – On the bike again..!

Friday morning, a wonderful big breakfast made by Midori, and it’s time to pack up the bike and start heading south. The quintessential Mum – making sure I have something to eat on the road..  ðŸ˜‰  I love it.. Grandpa checks out the bike. I try my best to explain that pannier is where my computer lives.. They gave me some more detailed maps, since...

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Nagano Japan – A Day out with Midori

Ok, after school drop-off, Midori wants to show me around.. we decide to go to Zenkouji Temple in Nagano City.. The majority of Japanese people are buddhists.. (Photo:  Sometimes I hate being reminded how bow-legged I am!!) Anyway, this ancient temple was so big and beautiful made of wood. Some info I looked up: Zenkouji is a non-sectarian temple whose religious...